Grateful for 2022 & Looking Ahead to 2023

By: Colleen K. Vesely

Grateful for 2022

As we reflect on 2022, KK and I are filled with gratitude for all of your support for Raising Unicorns this year. Thank you for the emails, texts, telephone calls, and in-person conversations to let us know that what we are putting out into the world is resonating and is helpful! Please keep sharing with us your thoughts and experiences related to the website! Below is some of the written feedback we received in 2022 regarding how Raising Unicorns has supported gender expansive children, their families, and allies, as they navigate a gender binary world.

We are also deeply grateful for the 2022 Raising Unicorns guest bloggers, Erika Vesely (my sister and amazing social worker), Jessica Tanguay (my cousin sister and awesome public health professional), Hillary Gile (KK’s preschool teacher and fabulous preschool curriculum director), Pastor Meredith Keseley (our family pastor and most affirming faith leader ever), and Mel Worthington (our neighborhood friend and fantastic family photographer storyteller) who contributed their perspectives during Pride month. We would love to have more guest bloggers in 2023please reach out, if you are interested in sharing your perspective!

And, if you are resolving in 2023 to be a better ally to gender expansive children, youth, and their families, consider joining our email list. Simply complete our “Contact” form, and you can receive all of our blogs “hot off the press”—without being reliant on social media.

Happy 2023!

How will you be a better ally to gender expansive children and youth in your life?

We received such thoughtful feedback this year from the Raising Unicorns community of allies including parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, faith leaders, researchers, neighbors, community professionals…thank you!

“Thank you for sharing the journey you and KK are living. It is making me realize that when trying to be 'open, accepting' of what is new to me, I have never gone beyond that to wonder what is inside - to search and understand. You are leaving me with so much to examine inside. I look forward to reading your future blogs - so beautifully, painfully expressed. So much of what you have shared, reinforces my love for [my grandchild] and the hurts and battles [my child has faced to support their child]. Your writing is so honest and powerful. I know I will be examining other truths I think I know.”

“I’m not good at scrolling on Facebook so I would love to keep up with the blog via email. [My child] and I read [the blog] together so it would be something to look forward to coming in my email.”

“My 11 yr old daughter sounds just like KK! I got goosebumps reading your descriptions.”

“I kept meaning to text you after your last post…which felt very timely as I just took [my AMAB, assigned male at birth child] to buy a pink dress”

“I just spent the last while reading through each page! It’s wonderful!!! I learned so much!! Just the definitions link from PFLAG really helped.”

“I'm writing to you on behalf of the youth LGBTQ group that I advise. With some recent events happening in the LGBTQ community and with Pride Month recently, it has encouraged the group to continue to help everyone have a better understanding of the LGBTQ community. I just wanted to mention to you that your page, had some great information to help our group, family and others. So, thank you!”

“[KK’s] roadblock metaphor is absolutely perfect. It’s a horribly disturbing time in Virginia and I hope [the schools] can somehow manage to hold on to their current reg, which looks to protect the child first and foremost. Please tell KK I’m proud of her!”

“Although I don't have children my first friend I ever made is non-binary and is now on T. I love to learn and expand my horizon as an ally. I look forward to reading :)” 

“Love y’all. Keep teaching…I think you are going to help normalize so much for so many families!!!”

“Thanks for your work on such an important topic! Since I have been off [social media] I realized I need to sign up for email alerts so I don’t miss new posts!!”

“Thanks for starting this blog. I know they are a labor of love. I look forward to getting your updates and sharing your content.”

“So excited to learn more from KK and you! Thank you for sharing these wonderful and informative blog posts.”

And sometimes the most meaningful feedback came from KK (via the website): “I love it mom and all you do.”

Looking Ahead to 2023

As KK and I look ahead to 2023, we are excited about the plans we have for some additions to the website specifically geared towards children and youth.

In 2023 look out for:

  • “KK’s Kids Korner”, which will be a page developed by KK especially for gender expansive children and youth, and their allies who are also young people

  • More Conversations with KK regarding advocacy work that KK and her friends, along with school leadership, have been spearheading

  • Blog posts focused on navigating sports and other community- and school-based activities

  • Guest blog posts?!?! We hope some of you (and/or your children) will want to write guest blogs to share the wide range of experiences and perspectives of gender expansive children, youth, adults, and their families. **If this guest blogging opportunity sounds interesting to you, please do not hesitate to send an email to us!**

In 2023 KK and I resolve to continue to tell our story to empower and encourage others to build affirming spaces for gender expansive children, youth, and their families. Thank you again for all of your thoughtful and heartfelt support of Raising Unicorns in 2022! Happy New Year!


An Everyday Advocate


“I can tell her anything, because she looks just like me!”: Importance of Gender Inclusive Dolls